Information for Authors

Many thanks for your interest in writing an article for TPM. We receive a large number of enquiries, but we very rarely publish unsolicited essays. In the past three years, out of perhaps 300 essays, reviews, features and columns, five were unsolicited. We plan the content of each issue months in advance, and decisions are always guided by the proposed mix of topics, what we’ve recently covered, as well as judgements about what a broad readership might find engaging or interesting. The work we publish is almost always written by academic philosophers who are experts on the topic in question. If we can’t use your piece it’s not necessarily a judgement of quality – it’s just that nearly all submissions won’t fit in with the planned mix of articles or aren’t of general enough interest for our readers.

If you do want to get in touch about a submission, please do not send a manuscript. Send an outline of what you wish to write. Bear in mind also that TPM is magazine, not the place for original, substantive work or new discoveries or theories, which should be directed towards peer reviewed journals. Look at an issue of TPM to get an idea of what we publish and see if what you’re proposing might fit. Also there’s no money. There’s never any money.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if, having read these notes, you are still interested in contributing, and thank you for your interest in the magazine.